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Construction & Maintenance Daily Log Book BLUE EXPANDED EDITION


The Blue Expanded Edition of this daily log book for construction is 7″ x 10″, like the Standard Edition, but has one formatted page and one lined page for every day of the year. Those of you who run large, complex projects, or who manage large numbers of subcontractors will want to consider the expanded, two-page per day version of the book. It gives you the extra room you need to record the details of wide-ranging and complex projects. 

1. In addition to the standard Daily Log page (details below), the Blue Expanded Edition, Two-Page, Two-Volume, Log Book includes this second page for recording more job site information, listing additional subcontractors, making sketches, and more.

2. Month and date are printed for convenience and credibility; you complete year and day of the week for flexibility.

3. Headings prompt you to summarize a complete record for the day, including the who, what, why and how much.

4. Your weather notes will explain why you may have altered a schedule.

5. If you presented a safety meeting, the record is here.

6. Workforce notes recall exactly which crew members were on site.


Credible & Flexible






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